
Thanks for visiting my blog! Get a cup of coffee, get comfortable and enjoy the view. I will post sneak peeks, recent work or just something that might be on my mind. Feel free to leave me comments if you like what you see.

Monday, December 29, 2008

A year in review-Evansville, Indiana Photography and Family Photographer

What a year 2008 has been. You, the clients, have made my year one to remember. I couldn't have done what I love without all of you. Please enjoy the slideshow I put together. You all are my #1 inspiration!

Music credit: David Cook

Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas Everyone

Hope your holidays are filled with joy, laughter and most of all love!

The winner of the contest

Here is the winning entry to the Christmas Cheer contest. I was so honored to meet this wife and their inspiring family.

I am nominating Lindsay and Nathan Schroer. They have been married for 8 years and Lindsay has always been there for Nathan. Nathan battled leukemia and Lindsay stood by his side every minute. You can tell how much they are in love. Lindsay and Nathan are not able to have kids because of the radiation treatment during his battle with Leukemia. They were looking into adopting a child, but do not have the money. Now they have resulted to looking into becoming foster parents in hopes of adopting a child that way. She is one of the good ones here at the office, as she comes to work every day and gives 100% without griping at the challenges our job brings us. Lindsay has a great personality. She is always there to listen to you when you need a friend and is always able to cheer you up with her smile. She is also good for a laugh anytime! She and her husband have recently started running together. Lindsay just completed her first 5K last weekend and Nathan was so proud of her. He cheered her on while running her pace at her side during the race. I am nominating this couple because Lindsay has been a good friend and the Schroer’s deserve a treat. They are truly and inspirational couple.

I received an update 2 weeks after the first entry and this is what it said.

Friday an miracle happened for them. They became the legal guardians of a week old baby boy who weighed only 4 lbs. 15 oz. This child has had a rough past and is too young to even know it. Lindsay and Nathan brought the baby home yesterday.

Congratulations Lindsey and Nathan! I can't wait to meet your new little boy!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

We have a winner

I have contacted the nominator of the contest and I cannot announce who has won until the nominee has been told. Thanks to all who sent in stories as it was a hard choice. I polled a panel of photographers for unbiased opinions so it was a group decision. The winner will be told on Friday and with their permisson I will post the story afterwards. Thanks again!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Monday is the deadline

for the Christmas Cheer contest. Please get those stories into me by Monday at 5 p.m. The winner will be announced sometime on Tuesday.

And here is a new snapshot of my little Jack man. He smiles with his whole face and crinkles up that nose. LOVE THAT!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Hayden Burns is a finalist!!!


Hayden Burns Photography has been voted one of the 25 finalists in the Lifestyle Portraiture Ad Contest! WHOOHOO!

Please click on the link below to vote for Hayden Burns for favorite Lifestyle Portraiture Ad. Scroll down to the bottom and choose Hayden Burns! Voting ends Thursday, December 11th so please vote soon!


I believe you can vote once per IP address so please pass it onto friends, family, co-workers...and help make me an award winner!

Thanks everyone for your support!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Only 10 more days to enter the contest

You have until December 15th to get in those stories about why your loved one deserves a free session from Hayden Burns Photography! Here is the previous post that outlines the details.....

As the holidays get closer, I have started to order some beautiful Christmas cards for some clients. It's been so exciting shooting all the families I have this year.

So in the spirit of Christmas, I am running a little contest. I am inviting you all to nominate someone special in your life for a free photography session with Hayden Burns Photography. It can be a family, your neighbor, the lady at church who always has you smiling, a newly engaged couple, the couple who just adopted a baby, whoever you think deserves something special this Christmas. All you need to do is email your story to
haydenburnsphoto@gmail.com before December 15th. I will let you do the honors of telling the winner what they have won! The winner will receive a free session for January and a free spiral-bound brag book of all the images from the session.

And what's a post without a picture? This was a recent quick session I did for one of my best friends!
Is she not gorgeous?!

She used to totally run the other way when she saw me coming with the camera. Now it's her brother that does that. I barely got this one

And of course the beautiful Christmas card that I ordered for them!

And the back....which just cracks me up!

Now if I can just get mine put together........

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas Portraits gone to the dogs-Evansville/Henderson Pet Photographer

I have paired up with Gabbi's Boutique (find her here) http://gabbisboutique.com/
in Henderson for a Christmas Portrait shoot for your furry family member. No we aren't talking about Uncle Rick who goes by "Grizzly," we are talking about man's best friend. Your dog! Come by Gabbi's from 11-3 this saturday to get little Spot's picture taken. Sessions will be taken inside Gabbi's shop. Packages will be as follows:

$15-1 5x7
$20-1 5x7 and 8 wallets
$25-2 5x7's

I can't wait to meet all your four-legged friends.