
Thanks for visiting my blog! Get a cup of coffee, get comfortable and enjoy the view. I will post sneak peeks, recent work or just something that might be on my mind. Feel free to leave me comments if you like what you see.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

All the single ladies, all the single ladies- Evansville Indiana Family Photographer

All the single ladies, all the single ladies, now put your hands up, oh oh oh, ohohohoh, oh oh.......My best Beyonce here.......

That song reminds me of this session. LOVE IT!

These little girls brought attitude....

They brought sass!

They brought silliness....

It was one girlie day...........

But the boys were there too......

Even my little man..............

It was a day of scouting new locations and just having fun! You want a session like that? You should call me and we can put you in your own little pettiskirt! I've got pettis if you got the girlies! =)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Web Wednesday- Evansville Indiana Senior Photographer

Here is another fabulous website that I follow every Sunday. Such raw emotion found on this site. The idea of this site is that people mail in postcards anonymously with their deepest darkest secrets on them. Juicy stuff! LOL! Enjoy!


I have been busy designing more cards for all of you! This time I am making a set of Senior graduation announcements/party invites. These are $40 for a set of 25 cards. Here is the latest one. It makes me quite happy!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Engagement Announcements-Evansville Indiana Photographers

I am so excited to show you all these new cards! I've been doing a little design work on the side and really have started enjoying it. My sister is pregnant and I have made her shower invites, thank you cards and her birth announcements. It really has brought out the little designer in me. Encouraged by my big sis, I took some time and created these Engagement Announcements. These can also be used as 'Save The Date' cards to let people know about your wedding date. They come in sets of 25 and are $40 per set. Printed on art linen paper, these are double sided so you can include all the information you need. If you are planning an engagement party, these would make killer invites too!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Love-Evansville Indiana Senior Photographer

Ok, I can't stop watching this video. Keep in mind that this was shot all with photography. Soooo cool. Had to share for web wednesday. Unbelieveable!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My little big man- Evansville Indiana Family Photographer

Little J and I went out on Friday for a little photoshoot. It was such a nice day and I had to run to Henderson to drop off some postcards. So I decided to take advantage of one of my favorite alleys and the fact that J is really walking good now. It was so funny! The second I set him down he grinned from ear to ear and looked up at me with "What's going on? Are you gonna let me run around? I've never done this before." So off he went, walking and walking and walking and running and running. I think these two were taken at the moment I set him down. I barely could keep him still long enough to focus and shoot. He was so cute. My little big man.

And there were loads of this shot.........

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Beauty-Evansville Senior Photographer

It's funny how we perceive beauty. I am currently taking a bible study class on the book of Esther. Now I haven't gotten thru the entire book yet but it seems very interesting to me that even back in the bible days, beauty was something that was taken so seriously. I mean really, beauty back then was used to choose Queens and women spent 6 months going thru beauty treatments just to spend a few minutes in front of the King. They were all herded thru the castle grounds as if they were cattle to see if any of them pleased the King. It seemed quite degrading to say the least. So where am I going with this? Well I wanted to share this video made by Dove. Now keep in mind, I am a complete fan of what Photoshop does but everyone also needs to know that how we perceive beauty may be completely distorted. ALL magazine spreads you see are retouched in some way. I used to look at Victoria's Secret catalogs and wonder why I could never look like that. Well the truth is, no one does. It's all done in the world of photoshop. Now that I understand the concept, I now look for what they may have retouched. That's a way more fun game if you ask me. And the bonus is I feel better about myself. Follow the link for a little insight.....

And here is a redbook cover picture of Faith Hill-a before and after........

And now for the much promised pictures. We did a little skating around the driveway on Sunday since it was like spring outside. She had so much fun! Man oh man is she looking grown.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Yeah I know.....Evansville Family Photographer

I know I said I was going to post some pictures uh yesterday and here it is 2 days later and still nothing. I promise it's coming. Tomorrow is web wednesday so I'm definitely posting tomorrow too. So maybe then. I just wanted to let you all know that I got a new song for the site and I LURVEEEEEE it! Check it out. I also added a new background here. My dear friend Tiffany of On the Spot Studio designed it for me. Here is her link to all her wonderful stuff. She also created my logo. Such a sweet girl based right out of Henderson! Who knew!


Sunday, February 8, 2009

A fresh new look to the website-Evansville Indiana Photographer

Well I did a little revamping to my website including a new front page and a new template. I love the way it looks and I'm hoping to get some new music for it as well. Just tired of the old music. Go on over and take a look........


Hope everyone's weekend was good. I will be back tomorrow to post some pictures from today. My eyes have seen enough of this computer for one day.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Web Wednesday {Evansville Photographers}

I just had to share this video of a year in pictures from what is now one of my favorite photographers. It's just utterly amazing and sooo creative. Please click on the link below.

They are the most beautiful little girls!

I also have some pictures finally from the shoot a couple weeks ago. Having no power was not fun and I wasn't able to post them! So here is little R! She is gorgeous and is gonna break some hearts some day. You might have also noticied her on my front page of my site. She's a beauty!