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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Beauty-Evansville Senior Photographer

It's funny how we perceive beauty. I am currently taking a bible study class on the book of Esther. Now I haven't gotten thru the entire book yet but it seems very interesting to me that even back in the bible days, beauty was something that was taken so seriously. I mean really, beauty back then was used to choose Queens and women spent 6 months going thru beauty treatments just to spend a few minutes in front of the King. They were all herded thru the castle grounds as if they were cattle to see if any of them pleased the King. It seemed quite degrading to say the least. So where am I going with this? Well I wanted to share this video made by Dove. Now keep in mind, I am a complete fan of what Photoshop does but everyone also needs to know that how we perceive beauty may be completely distorted. ALL magazine spreads you see are retouched in some way. I used to look at Victoria's Secret catalogs and wonder why I could never look like that. Well the truth is, no one does. It's all done in the world of photoshop. Now that I understand the concept, I now look for what they may have retouched. That's a way more fun game if you ask me. And the bonus is I feel better about myself. Follow the link for a little insight.....

And here is a redbook cover picture of Faith Hill-a before and after........

And now for the much promised pictures. We did a little skating around the driveway on Sunday since it was like spring outside. She had so much fun! Man oh man is she looking grown.